Annual report

FM Logistic’s 2022/2023 annual report is out.
  • 1,713

    Revenue (€M)

  • 36,2

    EBIT (€M)

  • 262

    New contracts (€M)

  • 28,272


  • 65%

    of its revenue generated outside of France

FM Logistic’s annual report 22/23

FM Logistic released its financial results for the year ended March 31, 2022. The full audited results are available in the annual report.

In a difficult international context, FM Logistic shows its resilience thanks to its sustainable omnichannel strategy and continuous search for operational efficiency, which enabled a respective increase of 13% in its turnover, which stands at €1,713 million in revenue, and of 15% of its operating profit.

Read the full report
  • Our challenge is to balance ecological sustainability and economic performance. More than ever, our shareholders and customers are demanding that we be a responsible environmental player.
    Carbon emissions dashboard, investments in photovoltaic cells, nearing 20 years of pooling… Supply Change remains our priority!

    Jean-Christophe Machet CEO

Highlights 2022 – 2023

  • First hydrogen station

    Spain – FM Logistic is the first logistics company to install a hydrogen filling station in Spain. Located in Illescas, it produces 45 kg of green hydrogen per week and provides the equivalent of the consumption of 18 forklift trucks operating 12 hours a day.

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  • Acceleration of automation

    Poland – FM Logistic is continuing to automate its warehouses with the deployment of 46 Locus robots for IKEA at the Wiskitki platform in Poland. On this 16,000 m2 site, the robots support the teams in processing parcel orders: they can lift up to 36 kg and can prepare four orders simultaneously.

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  • Energy frugality at the heart of FM Logistic’s action plan

    One year after announcing its goal of carbon neutrality across all its sites by 2030, FM Logistic has reaffirmed its commitment to more responsible consumption through voluntary management supported by 75 priority actions for energy optimisation. This approach takes on even greater significance in a context of rising and volatile energy costs.

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  • Strengthening activities with industrial clients

    FM Logistic actively contributes to the reindustrialisation of France by managing the downstream logistics of French ball bearing manufacturer NTN-SNR. From the warehouses in Annecy (18,000m2) and Saint-Vulbas (12,000m2), FM Logistic handles a wide range of activities, including reception, storage, order preparation, co-packing, and shipping.

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  • Strengthening omnichannel logistics activities

    Vietnam – The opening of three sites in Binh Duong, Di An and Ho Chi Minh has enabled FM Logistic to win new contracts. Its customers include one of the leading retailers and the leading paper manufacturer, for whom FM Logistic will manage all its omnichannel logistics.

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  • Supporting the development of Groupe SEB

    France – For Group SEB, FM Logistic man- ages logistics activities for the Western Europe region from a single warehouse based in Bully-les- Mines (62). To support the launch of activities on this new 100,000 m2 site, FM Logistic has filled more than 200 positions, including 20 for people with disabilities.

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  • A new contract with Benetton

    India – United Colors of Benetton has entrusted the management of its omnichannel logistics to FM Logistic, which establishes itself as a key partner in the brand’s growth in India. At its new 33,000m2 multi-customer site in Farrukhnagar, FM Logistic also handles labelling, repackaging, returns management and refurbishment.

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  • Optimising flow management through control towers

    In a context of increasingly complex sales channels, the control tower proves to be a valuable ally in efficiently and sustainably managing the supply chain. For its customer Shiseido, the control tower set up by FM Logistic ensures execution monitoring, transport and customs procedures in 122 countries.

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